16. Backward induction: reputation and duels - Game Theory by Ben Pollak
Backward induction: reputation and duels - Game Theory by Ben Pollak To be on top your game. I speak in third person yet selfishly change to first person. To be on my game means what specifically to me in my minds eye. Sometimes its good to wait and be patient is the conclusion of the lecture. I believe backward induction is a unique thought. Challenging to use in all situations or even to acknowledge it. To back your self into the situation of your wanting. Being first mover and shooting at the best possible time to ensure victory and success. To be patient is always best yet when acted upon its not best to be patient. To play a game is to play to win and dominate. The idea of launching a product, entering a market, and taking a shot (as if that is last hope to say at least you gave it a try) puts backward induction in perspective. As this conversation has now become two minds, I will be more succinct with my words. Today I will work from a GIANT ...