Character of a Man named James Anthony Gore
What is the character of a man (James Anthony Gore). Is it the books he reads? His friends and acquaintances? His parents and family? His experiences in and of the world? What exactly is the ingredients of the man's character? One could begin with the aforementioned questions or ponder new inviting thoughts upon the subject yet the questions are parts in matter. To be, to know thyself has been preached from yesteryear and still bears fruit. Yet more and more questions come to mind for fulfillment. As a man, deemed a character of a sort, I act. By my act, does that portray my character. Possibly if held consistent for a time and moment. Yet what character in acting is I the matter which is subject to ridicule, defamation, and slander in perception of my character. When I look into the mirror, I smile loving at the man in the mirror for when I look into the man's eyes I see love upon the earth. When I lay down to sleep, I rest easily, comfortably and dreamily. Does those ideas ...