How to earn $100 - Lesson 1 of 101 ways to earn $100.

Buy low, sell high. How many times have you heard this idea. What exactly does it mean, more importantly what other ideas are needed to implement, simply earn $1 or $100.

Go to a flea market, find some product, buy it at a wholesale price, sell it for any amount higher than what you paid for it.

Some Things to consider.

What type of product.
Where can you sell product.
Can you sell product.
Have your ever sold product before.

Do you have any money to purchase product.
Can you get the money to buy product.
Why don't you have money to buy product.
If invest your money to buy product,how fast can you get the money invested, then return.

Invested $200 for 16 pair of shoes.

When: After setting up a retail location and selling 23 pairs of shoes while mentoring my student.

Return: Every 16 pair of shoes sold, I receive $60 and gain a $20 transportation credit.

3 days earn first $60. Goal sell 16 a day, at writing 13 were sold and delivered, as I was riding my bike.

So what does all this mean and those questions under Product and Money, are they just questions I pulled from the air or do they actually mean something, considering, meditating on.
I guess that depends on if you are ready to earn money the old fashioned way, Creatively.

Your mindset is key. Why do people especially the successful, keep saying their something to it. I have come to the realization that:

"I can and will conquer the world. Even if I have to create the world. "

Yes that is a philosophical and scientific fact. Proof, you are reading my proof.


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