Nash Equilibrium: Location, Segregation and Randomization By Benjamin Polak - Yale

Nash Equilibrium: Location, Segregation and Randomization
By Benjamin Polak - Yale

This idea has been bubbling inside my head for about a week or specific 12 days. I had to watch and read the Lecture 2. Not sure why other than it seemed to make sense to me. I even used the example of winning an election I understand why George Bush won the infamous election, with his brothers help of course, to prevent my name from being president. As I feel I should read the lecture again, I am going to communicate straight from the title and offer my new opinion as it is being formed.

Location - Segregation - Randomization = a colony. Many people believe segregation is a bad thing, that "people" do that for a reason other being with their own. How I understand this idea as its being emitted. The challenge with segregation is the intermingling of ideas, generally new to the community that is considered segregated. Yet who wants to live in town that is just made up of stale ideas and the same look and feel. As we become more educated and "cultured" then we want a mixed community and frown upon those seek exclusive segregation. I say exclusive because even as the new liberals create a mixed community, the idea is they still want to be the majority. That's a simple enough theory and has caused many riots and wars.

Location and randomization, well in choosing a location, that's not a random act. Generally the first act a person does, unknowingly or shall I say at best guess is random, after that Game Theory idealist choose the best solution that allows you to dominate.

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