
Showing posts from June, 2012

Watch you words, Be conscious of your seeds.

Watch you words, Be conscious of your seeds. This phrase has become the seeds of seeds as it holds true in every situation. I allow the universe to be my life guide partner and provide the way in the best way possible that could be intended.    "God, when he created the world, moved each of the celestial orbs as he pleased, and in moving them he impressed in them impetuses which moved them without his having to move them any more....          And those impetuses which he impressed in the celestial orbs (bodies) were not decreased or corrupted afterwards, because there was no inclination of the celestial bodies for other movements. Nor was there resistance which would be corruptive or repressive of that impetus...."   Jean Buridan, 14th century French philosopher   Book: The Story of Physics page 153. Thank you universe for nurturing my seeds, I hold my lines, segments, half and full circles be.

2nd Quarter - June update 10-k

My internet rest period has ceased. I have begun working at my new corporate headquarters. July 1, I will begin the acquisition of the Wildwood Building. It serves my idea and the purpose of investing in dividend structures. The structure itself is in fairly good shape. It will need some work. Top of the acquisition is $190K. The Assessed value is $136830. Last purchased for $153000 - 2004. Max Price - $190k Mtg priced - 153K (unless something changed, another equity position) Assessed - $137k $1500.00 month mtg 800.00 month util ($100 day lease * 4 * 4; 125wk * 4) $2300 month support 1600 current support 3900 requirement Current income systems Empty Pail Recycling Sales Service (Decal Removal; Landscaping) Vending Hauling Storage Coolfittings Clothing online sales Designs online Benjamin Buffett Books New investment thoughts and strategies. Buy to forget, I want a better term yet hold is not quite right. Been researching again, it feels good. Inves...