The Son Reaps the Father's Vision


The son shall reap his Fathers fruitful thoughts,

Yet to seed and sow tellingly planting ideal ideas. 

A new year cometh they sayeth today for tomorrow. 

This is my calling for and to the unseen day in play. 

To have faith and or to know, if the matter is the same quality?

I am one to speak into points shooting arrows towards eye, 

For ears to hear the target sound in all around the sky.

Yes its up for me to dominate the land and sea,

For God is choosing me to breathe in love for thee. 

Letting it be known in the showing picturing seen dream.

The son shall reap his Father’s fruitful thoughts,

Sowing seeds of wisdom, where faith is wrought.

A new year cometh, they sayeth today,

For tomorrow’s unseen moments, in rhythmic play.

To have faith or to know—are they the same?

Each bearing the essence, a truth to claim.

I speak into points for word arrows to fly,

Shooting towards the target, piercing the sky.

Ears hear the song, the sounding profound,

Echoing love, radiating all around.

It’s my time to dominate land and sea,

For God breathes His purpose lovingly through me.

Let it be known, in the dreamer’s vivid scene,

The vision is clear, the essence pure clean.

Picturing the beauty, the heavens’ grand theme,

This is my calling into God-given dream.

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