11. Evolutionary stability: cooperation, mutation, and equilibrium

By Ben Polak

It's a new day at my house. The idea is a proper seed to sow and grow. The care and joy of rebuilding is a project blessing.

It seems that I have blessed the house. I watched and listened to the lecture 3 times. Its been 8 months since I have been at a place to revamp and reenergize my soul, mind, and body.

The purpose of the entry, to remind you, is to live the lecture. Play with it in your everyday life and improve. From the lecture I have the mathematical interpretation of evolutionary stable as well as a series interpretations that back up the definition.

"In a symmetric 2 player game
the pure strategy is ES (Evolutionary Stable - is a pure strategist) if there exists an Epsilon (line over E)> 0.

The ideals are simple as everything coincides, water flows one way catch the wave. Thank you for the realization and showing appreciation.

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