The day the world dropped

My world collapsed a moment ago. A stock I purchased and spoke about is seemingly a sham, ponzi scheme. Or so the articles below communicate. Whether its true or not. There will be a bloody path to collect cash tomorrow, if I can at all. I am only in it for 200 and 300 respectively. Could be worse.

Now what am I to think. Am I not to put any money in the market at all. Mr Buffet can you not buy and hold specific stocks that have been regularly paying for months and years. I have to face the press, the people and speak of this claim against my world. What am I to believe, what am I to believe in. My whole existence and things I have studied is gone awry. Not with the recent purchase of Atlantic Power and its increasing rise. Its time to write you Mr. Buffet. Expect a letter soon.

I have come to what I always wanted my life to I consider my focuses and pursuits. My new office is allowing my headspace to be calm. Iron Man and I are more alike that I thought. We each respond in kind when asked ,now, a simple question.

At Cornerstone High Yield Oases Are Mirages
Barron's (blog) - ‎Jul 16, 2012‎
By Teresa Rivas As low interest rates have long persisted and aren't likely to change in the near future, investors in this yield desert are beginning to fall for mirages. As the Wall Street Journal reports, closed-end funds from Cornerstone Advisors, ...
Closed End Fund or Ponzi Scheme? (CFP)

Article 1

ETF Daily News - ‎Jul 16, 2012‎
We received an email this morning from Kid Dynamite tipping us off to a recent article in the WSJ. The article details the questionable mechanics of a certain set of Closed End Funds that may come as a shock to you. According to the WSJ, ...

Article 2

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