12. Evolutionary stability: social convention, aggression, and cycles By Benjamin Polak
Evolutionary stability: social convention, aggression, and cycles I enjoy the title of this lecture. Evolutionary stability. Life is a funny thing, especially as you go through it, live it and wonder what exactly everything means. One evolves into something, what exactly is based on your perception and your thoughts. Remember those seeds that you plant will sow. Does it pay to pay to be aggressive and what exactly is social convention. Be water comes to mind and let things flow one way. No struggle, with yourself and specifically anyone else. Watch your words, especially the ones you say to yourself. In regard to others, well watch theirs strictly and if they speak of distrust, hate, horror, illness, or anything that doesn't nourish your soul then one must act for oneself. Is that selfish. Who's thoughts do you think. Well be, will be. Aggression. Its necessary, especially if you want to be true to yourself. Life is good. If you deem aggression necessary, and are logic...