
Showing posts from July, 2021


 "To clear up an ambiguity as to the term language: Primarily the word means the expression of ideas by human speech; yet, secondarily, it may mean the expression of ideas by any other instrumentality. This old language is so composed in the Hebrew text, that by the use of the written characters, which will be the language first term, a instinctly separated series of ideas may be intentionally communicated, other than those ideas expressed by the reading of the sound signs. This secondary language sets forth, under a veil, series of ideas, copies in imagination of things sensible, which may be pictured, and of things which may be classed as real without being sensible; as, for instance, the number 9 may be taken as a reality, though it has no sensible existence, so also a revolution of the moon, as separate from the moon itself by which that revolution has been made, may be taken as giving rise to, or causing a real idea, though such a revolution has no substance. This idea-langua...

Magnus Limbus

  This Magnus Limbus, then, or Yliaster of Paracelsus, is simply our old friend "Father-Mother," within, before it appeared in Space, of the second and other Stanzas. It is the universal matrix of Kosmos, personified in the dual character of Macro- and Microcosm (or the Universe and our Globe)** by Aditi-Prakriti, the Spiritual and the physical nature. For we find it explained in Paracelsus that "the Magnus Limbus is the nursery out of which all creatures have grown, in the same sense as a tree grows out of a small seed; with the difference, however, that the great Limbus takes its origin from the Word, while the Limbus minor (the terrestrial seed or sperm) takes it from the earth "I adjure thee, Heaven, holy work of the great God; I adjure thee, Voice of the Father, uttered in the beginning when the universal world is framed; I adjure thee by the word, only Son of the Father who upholds all things; be favourable, be favourable." "Thus the Ideal Light is b...

Thought Divine

 Logos, the Verbum of the Thought Divine "new LIFE", to become, to the end of the life-cycle, the germ of all things. He is "the Incorporeal man   who contains in himself the divine Idea," -- the generator of Light and Life, to use an expression of Philo Judaeus. He is called the "Blazing Dragon of Wisdom, The "Spirit of God moving on Chaos" was symbolized by every nation in the shape of a fiery serpent breathing fire and light upon the primordial waters, until it had incubated cosmic matter and made it assume the annular shape of a serpent with its tail in its mouth "Book of Hermes," Pymander, the oldest and the most spiritual of the Logoi of the Western Continent, appears to Hermes in the shape of a Fiery Dragon of "Light, Fire, and Flame." Pymander, the "Thought Divine" personified, says: The Light is me, I am the Nous (the mind or Manu), I am thy God, and I am far older than the human principle which escapes from the ...

true communications

  reigns fire when mind collect en force rise  thy smoke clogging equilibrium making one muster frown instead smile  hungry belly can be fed yet what hungry mind it cannot be satisfied with consumption yet only creation expression  art lived out life's poetry great big dream words glances which make bulk one's true communications let it be love that takes you down the aisle of your path showing you the golden threads towards greater unity and peaceful communion

Neville Goddard THE SOURCE

  Neville Goddard  THE SOURCE Man is seeking the source, the cause, of the phenomena of life. In his search, he grows and outgrows his many concepts of God until he finds the one God he can never outgrow, and therefore can never lose. That is the God which he finds in a first person, present tense experience. Here is a true story that verges on this truth. While a friend was shaving, his little girl watched, and questioning him, asked: “Where does God really live?” and he absentmindedly answered: “In the well.” Laughing at his silly answer, the little girl ran to tell her mother. At breakfast that morning when his wife asked why he had made such a statement, he could not answer, yet later that day he remembered. When he was a small boy in Poland, a band of gypsies passed by and stopped at the well in his parent’s courtyard. One in particular held his attention. He was a giant of a man, with a short-cropped red beard. As the little boy watched, the man drew the wooden bucket of...

ETERNAL STATES – Neville Goddard

  ETERNAL STATES – Neville Goddard Sit quietly and ask yourself who you are, where you are and what you are. Your answers will reveal your state of consciousness: your body of belief. Paul said, “We do not look to the outer things, yet to the things unseen, for the outer things are transient, yet the unseen things are eternal.” Your beliefs, seen by the mystic, are personified. They form a state, which completely controls your behavior. Any modification within your body of belief will result in a change in your outer world. Blake tells us, “Eternity exists and all things in eternity independent of creation which was an act of mercy. By this you will see that I do not consider either the just or the wicked to be in a supreme state, yet to be everyone of them states of the sleep which the soul may fall into in its deadly dreams of good and evil when it leaves paradise following the serpent.” Now, Blake uses the word “mercy” only as one who sees that states are eternal; that in God’s ...

Neville Goddard - THE SECOND VISION

  Neville Goddard 9-11-1959 THE SECOND VISION We make the statement with Blake that, “All that you behold, though it appears to be without, it is within, in your imagination of which this world of mortality is yet a shadow.” I mean that literally. The whole of humanity is contained in you, for that is the being you really are, and that is God. “And we exist in Him and He in us. The eternal body of the Imagination: that is, God Himself.” Did you hear President Eisenhower speak just recently on his reaction to his recent trip? Then he came to what he felt was the very spirit of our land – the freedom of the individual. He said we have two great documents: one, the Declaration of Independence, the other is one that takes precedence over it, and that is the Bible. I wish he spoke for every one of us in the world, yet even the majority who accept it as the Word of God do not understand it. It is a series of visions from beginning to end. The Old Testament shows what is taking place in ...

fruitful vine

 to thy portion attempting hesitating me please be free to sail your  away for winds blowing I high beyond sky flitter flutter nerving strengthener root for imaginating mind being kind loving thine fruitful vine bringing beautiful picturing mine 

The Eternal Father - Neville Goddard

  The Eternal Father - Neville Goddard Tonight’s subject is “The Eternal Father”. Perhaps tonight you may desire fame, health or things of this world yet, although you may not know it, what you are really seeking is the Eternal Father, for you are searching for the cause of all life. The fatherhood of God is the central doctrine of the Bible and one day you, an individual, will transform this doctrine into a first- person present-tense experience. Now, a doctrine is a fact and dependable so long as it is taken from experience. What I tell you this night is true, for I speak from experience. The day will come when you will discover the cause of the world and all that it contains is not only God, the everlasting Father, yet Infinite Love. This is difficult to believe, I know, when you see such horrors in the world, yet I know from experience, God the Father of all life is Infinite Love. Now, the characters of scripture are not persons, yet eternal states of consciousness. Abraham, Is...