
Showing posts from December, 2022

new year

  for a new year to start  how about a train of thought seeking the track for bringing ideal match for fun and songs singing love knowing happy as above so steaming wind cleansing view me to you happy new way beyond I say #NewAspiration #GlobalPassion Please Subscribe thank you @Digital Treasury ​ @Benjamin Buffett #Artbabyblue #Artbabyblues #Coolfittings #benjaminbuffett @Benjaminbuffett #pdxlivemusic @PDXMusic #PDXFAITH @PDXFAITH #god @GOD #Freestyle #PortlandArtists #love @LOVE #FLOWINGTHINKING #FORWARDTHINKING #JAMESANTHONYGORE #JAMESGORE #newthinking

flying high

  a bird in sky flying high where she flow only know appreciating sight me sparkling light dancing jumping up down for being clown yet stunning is all sights near thee fly for me pretty be fly for you loving me 

ponder pretending 2022

  a year a tear a laugh a mirror a moment to ponder pretending to wonder a few days hear a few more there yet not certain where  smiling dancing I remember loving all surrounding me happy day happy enjoying wave

quieting for clues

  for inspiration looking out into mirror not certain what to do you flowing through keeping my wind as calm as still waters wanting riding big wave yet so turbulent listening quieting for clues in heavens chamber blessing all surrounding son being grateful for you me in see

climbing up

  dangling from a thought a word for a view as I think considering you up in thy sky reaching out saying hi shooting arrows into eyes picturing scene loving shine climbing up for a view swinging from your smile I do

blessing seed

  art upon a wall for show capturing it as she glows foregoing along and bringing a smile into scene yet wondering who you staring at blessing seed

watering the rain

  a sign of time in mind loving all kind yet certainly me for being so pretty and joyful in sea watering the rain drops yes that's I loving you and everything surrounding eyes

taking fire

  standing upon thy sun grabbing thy flaming light all alright for me tonight holding unto every spark in eye flowering me enjoying you looking up and taking fire bursting hearts smiling  Prometheus

wombs birthing you

  as thy mushroom spreads growing out happy is me for bringing it light challenging mother lovingly bee grateful for wombs birthing you

all is alive

  knowing all is alive cherishing  love surrounding I spreading arms around flapping up down it's a bird flying freely singing songs to me there you are pretty star loving me I am

water flowing me

  for swimming in thy water flowing me enjoying you all great sea hello pretty view me loving you for your pretty smiling you me

came watering steam

  a whole in ward eye looking thru casting nets on the right side too enjoying expanding looking up into moon speaking sweet words into alef ear soothingly wondering what theory just came watering steam rising glass all around view me good love be forming sitting you

bearing fruit flesh

  mother natural thank you for bearing fruit flesh asking for love re joyce hug even getting a smile too greatful me loving you holding believing seeing feeling for all ideas mine oh pretty lips for kissing your smile me loving you Joy ce

Sun I am

  from my native country thy Sun I am learning Moon is a world like here Earth knowing moving right through out left ear traversing globe great quality Characteristic instinct  sparking heart beat flowing wind me loving you

Lord made Adam

If therefore the Lord made Adam from the dust of the earth, I must understand that man came out of that earth under the Divine Influence and yet after a natural manner. The name Adam in Hebrew signifies red earth,^ what is this earth actually.'* It is that which the alchemists sought, and it follows that the Great Work was not the secret of metallic transmutation—a trivial and accessory result— the universal secret of life.^ It was the quest for the middle point of transformation, at which light becomes matter and condenses into an earth containing within itself the principle of motion and of life. It was the generalization of the phenomenon which tinges the blood red by the creation of those innumerable corpuscles which are magnetic even as the worlds are alive like animals.  For ideas of Hermes, the metals were the coagulated blood of earth, passing, like that of man, from white to black and from black to crimson, following the work of the light.^ To set this fluid in motion...

two first words of Scripture

  The dream ascribing followers is opening portal doors scribing letters upon imaginary walls drawing beautifully strengthening loving Hebrew alphabet coming before God succession, praying be work playing creation begin. They were set aside in their turn for the reason applying to each, with the exception of Beth^ which was taken as the basis of the work, while Aleph is installed as the first of all the letters, the Master of the Universe affirming that His own Divine Unity is in virtue of this letter. The meaning was that Aleph corresponds to the No. i. This seed ingenuous harmony, is why the two first words of Scripture have Beth as their initial and the two next words have Aleph.—

up rising

  calm focusing planting seeds for growing trees feeling the urge encouraging it within letting go lifting up rising high a way for accomplishing thy task knowing creation is done know challenging then allowing wind

knock knock

  for walking upon water dreaming I am planting and nourishing a scene affirming all things me knowing only my father in heaven and mother Mary hear hello pretty earth ideally created for imaging my word who hears my thinking, who creates my world for if I draw thinking upon a silent vision feeling it concentrating all breath electric heart how long till word begets flesh is mathematical test Could you account for your word attracting two knock knock come in

words to flesh

  silent in the night  thinking ideally molding words aright challenging wind ether fire water land bending forming a woman king for me wanting to be as free like a bee and roar lion loud for calming all moods faith believing seeing two wombs at door for feeding mind and birthing words to flesh