Lord made Adam

If therefore the Lord made Adam from the dust of the earth, I must understand that man came out of that earth under the Divine Influence and yet after a natural manner. The name Adam in Hebrew signifies red earth,^ what is this earth actually.'* It is that which the alchemists sought, and it follows that the Great Work was not the secret of metallic transmutation—a trivial and accessory result— the universal secret of life.^ It was the quest for the middle point of transformation, at which light becomes matter and condenses into an earth containing within itself the principle of motion and of life. It was the generalization of the phenomenon which tinges the blood red by the creation of those innumerable corpuscles which are magnetic even as the worlds are alive like animals. 

For ideas of Hermes, the metals were the coagulated blood of earth, passing, like that of man, from white to black and from black to crimson, following the work of the light.^ To set this fluid in motion by means of heat and impart thereto the tingeing fructification of light by the aid of electricity — such was the first part of the work of wisdom. 

The end was more arduous and sublime ; it was a question of recovering the adamic earth, which is the coagulated blood of the vital earth ; and the supreme dream of philosophers is to accomplish the work of Prometheus by imitating the work of God—^that is to say, by producing a man who should be the child of science, as Adam was child of divine omnipotence. The dream is insensate sublime bringing flesh mind.

A thing is not just because God wills it, God wills it because it is just."

Beth Alef - Baphometic head is a beautiful allegory which attributes thought alone the first and creative cause.

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