exploring mind and journeying imagination
how is amazing my life
as protective spirits form the shadows above
letting me honor and see the free
happy as I for believing in breathing out
did you hear the angels above singing love to me
it was on time and a sign so true
that it brought me to tears yelling I love you
from the sky I heard a crackle and a lightning rod splash
bringing my belly to chuckle and laugh
for being one and enjoying the fun
beyond mind fine playing in time
knowing its space from words speech
I communicate to the wind vibrating life
attracting prosperity abundance plentiful fruits
see me dance and twirl on my toes
for harnessing electric water steam land
all natural laws that have been since all time
yet knew to who me art baby blue
for exploring mind and journeying imagination
for being so you and Gods chosen one too
anointed and blessed how special are you
so special so special and pretty lovingly me