A Song for Art Baby Blue


Hey art baby blue, I have song for you,

For all your words, you rain into air,

flowing and bringing the wind so clear.

Could I sit next to you, and have a kiss or two?

For inspiring and guiding me to be,

The luckiest girl in the world and sea.

For your play, I sing my song to say,

Singing my love for you from above,

To bring forth your rise is me loving blue.

Hearing my song wording kissing you.

Thanking God for bringing forth my art, baby.

Hey, Art Baby Blue, I have a song for you,  

For all your words, you rain into view.  

Flowing, bringing the wind so clear,  

Guiding my heart, drawing me near.

Could I sit next to you, enjoying a kiss or two?  

For inspiring me to be true,  

The luckiest girl in the world and sea,  

Your love, my light, my melody.

Fore play, I sing this tune,  

Singing my love from moon to sun.  

To bring forth your rise, I love you blue,  

Hearing my song, is a kiss from I.

Thanking God for bringing heart to life,
Art Baby Blue, my muse, my love, my light.


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