CD Income Growh Strategy - refined

Certificate Deposit Income Growth Strategy


The investment of $100 daily into 6 month certificates of deposit (CD's). The idea of having money maturing daily brings a smile to my face and as the $100 investment is nominal, the idea of not ever having to reallocate the funds will provide predictability, daily growth, and a simple income generating system. A system that will be left for Family generations as a means to remove monetary frustration, lack, and resistance into their experience. The Family Trust.

In addition, it provides the framework of having 6 months of available principal with interest earnings. Granted the interest earned is nominal (initially) yet lets show Benjamin Franklins compound interest theory.

CD Income Growth Strategy

6 mos $100 30 day strategy $3,100
Minimum Yield 1.5%
Daily earned $0.15
Monthly earned $3.88
End of first term Balance $3123.25
First Year $3146.67
Second Year $3193.35
Third Year $3240.02

Things to consider. The above earning plan is pegged to interest rate fluctuation of the government. Currently it is at 1.5% and we are in a recession, hence the Fed Gov Corporation is lending money. As the decrease the in money supply, interest rates will go up. I simply am showing a continue earning progression of $46.67 being added to your principal from now until perpetuity. I have not shown the compounding of interest, meaning the combination of the $100 plus earned interest, earning interest:

First term $100 will earn $.075 in 6 months; Second term the principal plus interest $100.75 will earn $.076 for a total of $101.51. The compound interest earned you an extra $.01 for the next term.

Yes you earned $1.51 or $46.81 and will continue to do so as long as the company is in business and continues offering such a return like a never ending stream of goodness.

Keep in mind this a system that generates money for you, left untouched shows compound interest. No risk, Minimal effort if any. In addition, it makes you think when you see a coin on the floor that it is free money and you should pick it up.

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