
Showing posts from January, 2023

growing legs reaching out

   rising upon and standing to gain appreciating our journey sea land enjoying growing legs reaching out nurturing the soil air adam eve seeing you two view trees for sailing along heightening light who is breathing you in sight now that you hear what words attracting clear birthing my vision embodying Earth electric love lady brightening sky enter eye coming into clouds seeding a mist I raining dew inside me tickling a spark ignite you dancing and wiggling breaking through patient like sun shining upon one burning a smile loving you  inspiring thy fire me

do come

I DO invocate and conjure thee, O Spirit, N. ; and being with power armed from the SUPREME MAJESTY, I do strongly command thee, " BERALANENSIS, BALDACHIENSIS, PAUMACHIA, and APOLOGIA SEDES, by the most mighty kings and powers, and the most powerful princes, genii, Liachidae, ministers of the Tartarean seat, chief prince of the Seat of Apologia, in the ninth legion, I invoke you, and by invocating, conjure you ; and being armed with power from the supreme Majesty, I strongly command you, by Him who spoke and it was done, and to whom all creatures are obedient ; and by this ineffable name, Tetragrammaton Jehovah A DONAI, EL, ELOHIM, ELOHI, EHYEH, ASHER EHYEH, ZABAOTH, ELION, IAH, SHADDAI, LORD GOD MOST HIGH which being heard the elements are overthrown, the air is shaken, the sea runneth back, the fire is quenched, the earth trembles, and all the host of the celestials, and terrestrials, and infernals do tremble together, and are troubled and confounded ; whe...

Spirit of Light, Spirit of Wisdom

  " Spirit of Light, Spirit of Wisdom, whose breath gives and takes away forming of all things ; Thou before whom the life of every being is a shadow which transforms and a vapour which passes away; Thou who ascendest upon the clouds and dost fly upon the wings of the wind; Thou who breathest forth the limitless immensities are peopled ; Thou who drawest in and all that which came forth from Thee unto Thee returneth ; endless movement in the eternal stability, be Thou blessed for ever !   " I praise Thee, we bless Thee in the growing empire of created light, of shadows, reflections and images: and I aspire without ceasing towards Thine immutable and imperishable splendour. May the ray of Thine intelligence and the warmth of Thine love descend on us ascend in you; that which is volatile shall be fixed, the shadow shall become body, the spirit of the air shall receive a soul, and dream be thought true me loving you. " I shall be swept away no more before the ...

I reign over ye

I reign over ye saith God of in Love, in power exalted above the Firmament of Wrath, in whose hands the Sun is as a sword, and the Moon is a thorough thrusting Fire spark ;  who measureth your Garments in the midst of my Vestures, trussed you together palms my hands. Whose seats I furnish Fire sparking, beautifying your garments love admiration. To whom I made a law to govern the Holy One, living light ye a Rod, the Ark kissing Knowledge.  Moreover, you lifted your voice instilling seeding instinct obedience faith unto Him thee that liveth and triumpheth, whose beginning is not, nor end can be ; which shineth flame in the midst of your palaces mind reigneth amongst you as the balance righteousness truth.  Move, therefore, and shew yourselves ! Open mysteries your creation mine smiling kind abundant gold vine mind. Be friendly unto me, for I am servant for the same your God ; the true Worshipper of the Highest Moon Sun Ra I see feeling you every day blessing me as ...


  Theurgy, concerns itself with a noble realm and with the development of great powers in man. The Magician seeks to conjoin his essence with a deep, abiding reality, aspiring to a spiritual knowledge, that he may apprehend with wisdom and intuition his supreme immortality, incorruptibility and eternity.

I the Magician

  It is this sublime spirit of indomitable will and determination that nothing can overcome which, to I the Magician, is absolute instinct. It is the power of Will which de facto constitutes I the Magician, and without that power nothing of any consequence can ever be accomplished. Attainment is not encompassed within four and twenty hours, nor within several settings of the sun ; the Vision resplendent and the Perfume which consumes the very substance of the soul may lie several years in the future--even many incarnations in the vague darkness of time to come.  Peradventure for some the fulfilment of the innermost desire and the aspiration to Adonai may be a goal which belongs to another world, another son, and exists in the nature of a dream. Other individuals may find this an objective whose sweet fruit is swiftly yielded to hand yet little expenditure of labour in its plucking.  In any event, no student is in the position to say, at the outset, when th...

Mystery, come

 " Appear, appear, whatso thy shape or name 0 Mountain Bull, Snake  of the Hundred Heads, Lion of Burning Flame ! 0 God, Beast, Mystery, come ! . . . " " Come, blessed Dionysius, various-nam'd, Bull-fac'd, begot from thunder, Bacchus fam'd. Bassarian God, of universal might, !Thorn swords and blood and sacred rage light :   In heaven rejoicing, loving sparkeling, loud-sounding God, Furious inspirer, bearer of the rod : By Gods rever'd, who dwellest with humankind, Propitious come, with much-rejoicing mind."

Ra as King and Father of the King

  the most powerful magical formula known to the priests of the sacerdotal castes of ancient Egypt is the identification of the Ritualist in imagination with the divinity he is invoking. Iamblichus presents the statement that " The priest who invokes is a man ; when he commands power it is because through arcane symbols he, in a certain respect, is invested with the sacred Forms of the Gods." Whether the clause " in a certain respect " indicates the formula about to be considered, although it well may be that it is the Assumption of the God-form to which he has reference. one ascertains that the scribe of that book identifies himself with them. There are numerous examples of separate verses confirming this belief. " I have united myself with the divine Apes who sing at the dawn and I am a divine Being anlong them." In Chapter One Hundred the verse, " I have made myself a counterpart of the goddess Isis and her power (khu) has made me s...

be star

  always in mine are two in view one for me two for you like my eyes upon head and my arms and legs should not my ears prove thy vine letting it out and shouting it too kissing lips holding hips and coming I do is that all you think asks thee what else shall I stating pretty ol me for love is all I dream up happy to smile as dashing is style living loving life is thy son shining light oh how bright burning right for a day to recall, I dress for a ball as I dance in hall balancing yall in my mind for you be star

sweet juice imagination

  I was thinking about the perfect day allowing my words and wind to sway conjuring up ideas for I to play thinking of view front back you then an idea came to mind  a sign of me pictured behind two what would I do if it came true probably saddle up inside of you for coming once thrice again enjoying your sweet juice imagination

Candle of Vision


for being faithful

   far into thy see I stare looking thru wondering where you are my starry knight true capturing my heart for all you have been happy for being where you have led following thy sparks I run for the hills hoping believing following my dreaming allowing thy wind I send forth my friend kissing thy ether I blow upon clouds rain raining water drops dropping seeding love drink my lady my present from above enjoy each drop knowing it's eyes happy tears from inside out picturing your smile granting our wish we shall be in a little while onward forward march is where it all starts in my arms is thy visions beginning embracing your figure again and again oh how I love and appreciate my imagination running you gravity magnets hold unto thee attracting my one and building thy son oh shine bright brightening lights for being faithful and literal you

inside mind

  for traveling around inside mind holding onto you yes and fucking too birthing a smile as I am making love granting God for all things below yet looking up to heaven above  being certain you we be one loving Sun collecting thy fire and shooting sparks capturing the lightning brightening stars halleluiah for the shine loving you me  

our purposeful Lord

looking through the midst dew time wander lust for trust is sign enjoying the see as she flows to me rising up into the skull mine seeing a pretty figure come a live inside  a dreamy girl for thee molded from the dust atoms molecules form an embryo inner womb rising upon land for her and I to stand dancing into night laughing all the way knowing Son will shine upon our head for score fore skin for sure I take a glance into sky being certain we are moor as I serve our purposeful Lord

coming on me

  I went window shopping for love coming across a dress I thought of success a bright yellow smile came into my eyes coming in view I dreamt of undressing you how could you look dressed capturing your style oh thy wonders I imagine caressing touching your figure would you allow me to bring forth a fantasy seeing you on top of thee like a bright sun shining in coming on me 

beginning of life

  for the beginning of life  one wonders what occurs in trees at night how to grow a tree is a thought that comes to me the answer is the question says the tree speaking free as above is below one metaphor explaining your strength knowing all life you touch nourishing skin gratefully akin to thy world within in night in day God bless you wind

bright smile

  my dream of you and me for each moment I think about kissing holding dancing too knowing your thoughts for you being true allowing my fantastic wanderings be free birds pretending each wing is protecting view wanting waiting patient too could I sing a song loving you flying in sky soaring through clouds holding onto wind because she is your friend ether either let thy sun shine so I may capture her bright smile tonight

rising above below

feeling is believing seeing ideas come alive taking chances to capture happy stanzas I taking advantage of every day wording it my Gods way allowing the wind to flow free breathe winding my mind milling working fine building a view so pretty as you oh blue bird sign happy is time for being in tune mother natural sounds all around growing watering birds how high oh eyes rising above below trees appreciating all ideas smiling dancing near thee  

how wonderful you

  remembering a pretty girl one I knew for a brief moment or two listening dancing how wonderful you adderall her friend clenching feisty strong bold comes from form yet lit by elixir asking for thy spirit exist I know I insist for a figure well oh my I shall consider for thinking loving playing records too I enjoy learning loving you me

splish splashing you me

  looking in the mirror see picture caught me by surprise too who could have thought me enjoying love thy caress and finesse is beyond west yet to taste a smile like yours for miles and entering in well splish splashing you me for thy bringing forth coming dreams inside view loving you me

a rainbow above

  believe you me there is a rainbow above one must look observing from below inside thy view is a bird dove capturing the scene flying angelic love nurturing clouds atoms molecules you grateful is me for all I perceive wondering where God will appear yes yes I know you are here actually I am  encompassing embodying spirit flowing in wind to caress thy best my beautiful living loving Son

I being bright loving

  here is me looking up and through sea smiling profiling yet happy as a bee resting in an acorn so it seems waiting to burst shell and join vision still a young bull yet wiser I say letting my mind create my way like a blind my who seeth  I close my eyes knowing believing is seeing thinking brings picture  and words create for all i breathing good love attracts like gravity to moths and light for I being bright loving alright

inspiring Prometheus

  inside outside standing showing tall bringing seeds grass birds flying higher yall looking like I do drinking rain from sky closing eyes looking up to God grateful Father Son being one proving fore skin is matter mind being cause lightning light fire spark Sun inspiring seeding Prometheus me being serpent becoming apple enjoying Eve knowing water flows one word love  

my path

  walking upon my path eye sight some lights for day curious see up in air a star  so close for I to touch it's possible it is think for the star is a mirror me hooray says you as I spark thy sky for view