Spirit of Light, Spirit of Wisdom


" Spirit of Light, Spirit of Wisdom, whose breath gives and takes away forming of all things ; Thou before whom the life of every being is a shadow which transforms and a vapour which passes away; Thou who ascendest upon the clouds and dost fly upon the wings of the wind; Thou who breathest forth the limitless immensities are peopled ; Thou who drawest in and all that which came forth from Thee unto Thee returneth ; endless movement in the eternal stability, be Thou blessed for ever ! 

 " I praise Thee, we bless Thee in the growing empire of created light, of shadows, reflections and images: and I aspire without ceasing towards Thine immutable and imperishable splendour. May the ray of Thine intelligence and the warmth of Thine love descend on us ascend in you; that which is volatile shall be fixed, the shadow shall become body, the spirit of the air shall receive a soul, and dream be thought true me loving you.

" I shall be swept away no more before the tempest, shall bridle the winged steeds of the early sun and guide the course of the evening moon winds, that we may flee into Thy presence. 0 Spirit of Spirits, 0 eternal Soul of Souls, 0 Imperishable Breath of Life, 0 Creative Eye, 0 Mouth which dost breathe forth in draw out life of all beings in the ebb and flow of Thine eternal speech, which is the divine ocean of movement and of truth one being son Ra embody Jesús Christ ye breathing living present love "

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