
Showing posts from March, 2024

all for honor

  the rise of the Son is upon today I resist not one who celebrates this way for I am one who rekindles history for celebrating Jesus who is the first and last to die and rise a beautiful resurrection proving his perfection I believe in seed similar in me a joy for being chosen anointed and Gods blessing for showing me the way and holding unto you believing is breathing and heart beating be each song I sing is art baby blues all for honor and my love for you  

thy sight and heartful perspective

  art baby blue what do you see as you look and wander pretty be been along a journey following Gods word challenging and testing as he knew you could for all the up downs turning winds where do you see the future beyond if I do painting pictures from mind to eyes inward I molding matter clay  into structures a knew you me too for feeling being secret for vibrating frequency for attracting thoughts ideas  a Fathers arms around his son embracing knowing he is the one tickled he about me happy he created mirroring seed birthing an image as precious and joyful as thee for playing and dominating each victory sea granting my ideal dreams and vision all scenes in reality I am true art baby blue  lovingly you loving me loving Earth too grateful for beautiful plants near and home is thy sight and heartful perspective  

cultivate the land

  my perspective of life is a fun time play creating ideas and figures for say willing to become all for thee suffering the stress to pass every test coming out victorious and amongst the best building each brick for each block and step planting and seeding the soul of thy land growing and nurturing the trees rising sky high thinking about me who I breathe more and sure I go along a path instinct show insisting persisting I am  birthing all gifts God put inside opening my heart revealing the Sun  blessing the earth is me art baby blue so beautiful and true spreading my wings sea men challenging all to cultivate the land  upon where I stand

the world beyond eyes

  there out there into the world beyond eyes and wonder thinking from a place where in end I began looking for the particles to collect and form again each time is new for at least me you for the moment until the next and call you collect as I run for the mountains to win another race I stop to look and consider my place up in hills I found my skill to use upon all who has come for play hear ye hear me hear all this call art baby blue is coming close clear true bringing for the love God put sparking in thee heart view just a wish singing love songs forming me you

hey hey look

  hey hey look at me I state bringing forth a smile of course you make laughing as you smile thinking for awhile wondering through around a patch or two where or where in the wilderness am I my o my is a dark in here please sliding up and down looking for the light surprised to find some water  and so happy to drink suddenly feeling for oysters finding pearls entice happy to be entertaining undressing the very you of course my eyes lift up as I comb in hair

who are you pretty boo

  there is a burning yearning outside within as if ether has built up steam for me to inhale in at the door I look out into day lighting inner eye knowing certain journeys end for the perfect one begins for being in the right spot cheering hollering looking up the bright Sun glowing we are one feeling is the secret as whispers cum in ear believing every word I am thinking speaking creating universes tongue twisters and love kisses who are you pretty boo art baby blue whom you knew for the time is ripe and I am so hype flowing is growing like trees to the sky high as I for flying over touching tickling son you adoringly me

shining inner peace you

  from the heart into flow letting go saying so enjoying light shining bright being fun loving sun could you bring a smile to me as I awake from my dream knowing sights before my eyes I laugh and giggle and act surprise dancing alight for it seems aright building phase is over for a few time to let your thoughts construct enjoying the phase and evolution story knowing the plot and ups see ascend could God I have created such a champion always winning for tending my mine allowing Father to be on his time for the gold is love surrounding and above within my spark crackles and pops energizing electric for lightning to begin art baby blue would you kiss the sky for you me and the beautiful sea for knowing your wave protecting you grace  I feel so safe and secure when I am totally present  I am grateful for luck sharing my thought and feeling free  sea  waters willing living life shining inner peaceful you

a knew spirit as I

  please know its time you knew the story of me art baby blue there was moment I sat in nature enjoying air and the fruits all clear just as I was taking it all in I get a knocking on the table I was picnicking on as I looked around for the sound knock knock jumping up from my seat in a hurry twirling about like a merry go round  just as I was about to fall down a little blue bird came unto the scene at first I was amazed then so surprised he spoke to my ear as if I could hear singing a song that had me vibrating along then all of sudden he flew from me apart beckoning my call to sing to his end I choked on some smoke for this whirlwind I hollered at high to impress God and the angels came down like falling rain drops surrounding my body and circled about thee for a moment or 100 I felt in a movie where I was the star shining light above my little blue friend jumped on my shoulder  just then he leaped into eye as I stared wondering wow and why from this point and for this...

believing is the feeling

  I see the structures up standing wondering who how it was built first a thought then a design and plan yet who decides such buildings through been dreaming visualizing drawing too where beyond page I scribbled in pencil does my words grow up to be skyscrapers  for every book I studied read cover to cover always metaphysical imparting God knowing mind can only hold one idea at a time I focus and concentrate upon each atom holding unto view and strengthening it you art baby blue when will L be born into the world like you came womb believing is the feeling ideally secret

rapping my life into view

  put my words to paper rapping my life into view existence more the score and accounting heavens gates grateful I am rekindling spirit firing eyes  to burn the skies lights high today each moment I shall walk with a gait attracting holding  ideal Eves God made next to me this hearing the truth for my songs I boast knowing its about and specifically my time

I bring a wave splashing

  each time I come into view I bring a wave splashing washing you it comes from the wind vibrating light encouraging I to be best in sight seeing thru eyes into Sun shine rays I express my being creating new scenes look closely into the shadows you shall see my guardian angels for my account bless all who help thee being certain each improves your faith strengthening in you me them for pouring love water nourishing Earth will I reach a new planet Father  or remain where I land and stand art baby blue is so precious and true growing in knowing and so beautiful too experiencing life beyond a Prince's dream so it seems my day each breath enjoying magical means

why eve created for adam

  if I express my present will propel me forward could it be like dropping out not needed weight as I float alone upon the Earth sky a somber moment has captured my style inside my vessel I travel alone to a destination still unknown I pretend to vision dreams coming nearer true yet Father its all you breathing my view I heard of others that mirrored my position and how you have helped them overcome taking mountains I shake my head for encouragement  for breaking my current thought pattern yet as I do instill something new art baby blue needs some help pretty you I let this out so you account my sight bring me some light a spark a flicker I say this in a moment in time where I am protected fed and drinking coffee healthy as a bumble bee yet something missing  how could I feel when its just you me near you are enough more for sure I realize why eve created for adam may I do your will as you planted me may I exceed your plans that put in thee seed may I grow up to tickle th...

exploring mind and journeying imagination

  how is amazing my life as protective spirits form the shadows above letting me honor and see the free happy as I for believing in breathing out did you hear the angels above singing love to me it was on time and a sign so true that it brought me to tears yelling I love you from the sky I heard a crackle and a lightning rod splash bringing my belly to chuckle and laugh for being one and enjoying the fun beyond mind fine playing in time knowing its space from words speech I communicate to the wind vibrating life attracting prosperity abundance plentiful fruits see me dance and twirl on my toes for harnessing electric water steam land all natural laws that have been since all time yet knew to who me art baby blue for exploring mind and journeying imagination for being so you and Gods chosen one too anointed and blessed how special are you so special so special and pretty lovingly me

becoming the gold

  do you know at some moment time one shall catch there flow letting everything go as one make strides doing the mundane is a participating act showing your gifts for being creating in parts knowing its your time for becoming the gold where all fools rush in and bang on your door now please accept I a jester so one mirror is reflecting please as I present each word for your ears and the herd I jump up and down for my create to fall as above so below was what I have been told read the drawings upon the sky all eyes for I lovingly you and yes pretty me art baby blue

the bright light Son

  I wonder into the life abundant looking for lights rights and beautiful sights being grateful for rising this day I thank my Father before the Sun rise I pray and meditate to his glory thanking him for a fulfilled moment  joyful is me as I praise the most high knowing that each word I speak tickling Him for vibrating the wind from my heart to my mind radiating energy electrically whats your frequency tuning eternity my vision is the end before my dreams grows wings flying around the Earth over the bright light Son

I rise to the top

  the most important ideas for me  I present to the wind of my secret chamber only you know I God your dreams vision thee letting go flowing and sailing north turning water to steam propelling body forward reversing my speech and singing to reach a milestone gladstone keystone I seek holding my wills improving thy skills believing I the King of the nation Is real capturing and holding my attention for all life inventing its done its finished for I to enjoy from the east to the west up from the south my angels ancestors rotating the Earth as it swirls I rise to the top

Father with a smile

  I hold unto the presence more and more each day knowing that if I hesitate it could get away revisioning ideas called memories for my sake and history too feeling a pull back about all the stories I could lack yet future breath calling saying over hear keep your ear the air am I being very clear close eyes and open your mind everything you want will appear there the past is the last story you want repeating for wisdom knows the end from the picture "click" so hold on for what God creating for you art baby blue let go and flow through as pretty as you are and as sexy as the stars keep you eyes to the sky for there you will find heaven looking down upon you Father with a smile