Mastering Time


When one plans six months or a year ahead,  
What does one focus on—the present or the future?  
In the breathing presence, you are thinking of next month,  
How exactly one goes about it, I shall secure.

For this being a task masterfully sought,  
Ideally, each word I invest to the eyes who see,  
Will bring a beautiful bounty for all of me.


Here the present time, where thoughts do dwell,  
The moment seeking the future intertwine so well.  
To plan ahead is a skill refined,  
Yet to live in the now is where peace be found.

The breath I take, it grounds me here,  
Yet thy mind, the path is clear.  
Next month’s vision guides my hand,  
For today’s moment, I firmly stand.

How to secure what lies ahead?  
By sowing seeds where I now tread.  
Each word, each action, thoughtfully placed,  
Brings forth a future beautifully graced.

For in the art of planning so true,  
The present moment is part of the view.  
To master time, both near and far,  
Is to live each day like a guiding star.

The bounty comes, a harvest sweet,  
When present and future perfectly meet.  
And in this task, both grand and small,  
I find fulfillment, embracing it all.


This chapter explores the intricate balance between planning for the future and living in the present. The imagery of sowing seeds and securing the future emphasizes the importance of mindful actions today, which shape the outcomes of tomorrow. The chapter reflects the wisdom in being both a planner and a participant in the moment, making it a thoughtful and insightful addition to my poetic journey.

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