Rising Confidence


My confidence is rising, percolating bubbles,  
Strengthening the sea all around me.  
For growing into the great son, loving being one,  
Feeling the vibrations energizing, swirling, emitting I.

Believing you become what you think about,  
My days are filling with wonder,  
My nights are feeling asunder.


In the depths where thoughts arise,  
Confidence grows, it multiplies.  
Bubbles of strength surface and gleam,  
A sea of power, a living dream.

As I grow into the son I’m meant to be,  
I feel the love, the unity.  
Vibrations swirl, energy flows,  
From within, a light that knows.

The thoughts I hold, the beliefs I keep,  
Shape the world, both shallow and deep.  
For in my mind, the future's spun,  
A recording of all I am doing.

As the night begins to fall,  
A quiet stillness starts to call.

For in the darkness, shadows play,  
A contrast to the vibrant day.  
For in the night filling natures womb,  
A new sun rising faith aplomb.


This chapter reflects the dynamic interplay between confidence, belief, and the experiences of day and night. The imagery of percolating bubbles, swirling energy, and the duality of day and night captures the process of growing into one’s true self while acknowledging the contrasts that shape the journey. The chapter emphasizes the power of thoughts in shaping reality, making it a resonant and introspective addition to my poetic journey.

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