How Could I Use My Skills Today


How could i use my skills, lessons, and all my mind to day,

Is there a moment when a fruit knows its ripe sweet ready.

And the tree growing reaching making strides from all sides,

I shall say for the rhyme two beats,

My thought from a seed, 

And my greatest challenge to fete.

So I let go of how and bring my motions for word.

For lucky me be and literally I am,

Allowing my scenes to broaden my means,

Adding to mind picturing plots for happy time begins.

How could I use my skills, lessons, and mind today,  
Is there a moment when fruit knows it's ripe, sweet, 
and ready to play?  
The tree keeps growing, reaching strides on every side,  
I shall say for the rhyme, two beats at a time, letting my thoughts groove dancing in vibe.

From a seed, my greatest challenge over comes fete,  
So I let go of how, bringing motions to my fate.  
For lucky me be, and literally I am,  
Allowing my scenes to broaden, expanding the plan.

Adding to mind, picturing plots where happy time begins,  
For in this moment, I cast my lines, reeling in wins.  
Surfing the flow, letting go of strife,  
I grow through the rhythm, breathing new life.

 Bringing clarity and flow to my reflections in skill, timing, and expanding my vision. 


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