The Book of You


I open a book and look through,

Seeing a picture of pretty you,

Curious is me wondering who,

has brought me, to mind, as a thought in my verse.

Cashing in my win enlarging my purse,

Knowing my status and how great my worth.

For enjoying today, seeding present, and tomorrows you.

Glowing like the light shining, art baby blue.

I open a book and think through,  
Imaging a picture of pretty you.  
Creating is me, wandering thru,  
Being this thought in verse, says who.

Cashing in my mind, stuffing my purse,  
Knowing my status, my worth’s full verse.  
For enjoying today, seeding tomorrow’s you,  
Glowing the light, shining, art, baby, blue.


My account acknowledging my worth, and planting seeds for a bright future. 


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