Fore Knowing Dreams


Fore knowing my dreams in sight, 

I smile for the light.

Does one really get what they think about?

Here's my view about that thought I do. 

Staying above the question, and willing the ideal word. 

To bring a story in kind, for showing and picturing thee,

Tickling my land and sea, 

For protecting, nurturing and for loving me. 

Out from the wind into the mind,

How beautifully my living life be,

Coming into Gods purpose his plan.

Fore knowing my dreams in sight,

I smile, basking in the light.

Does one truly gain what they think about?

Here’s my view—let me lay it out.

Staying above the question’s way,

Willing the ideal word to play.

To craft a story, gentle and kind,

Showing the picture etched in mind.

Tickling the land, caressing the sea,

Protecting, nurturing, and loving me.

For the whispering wind watering thoughtful taste,

How beautifully my living life takes place.

Aligned with God’s purpose, his perfect plan,

Each step forward, a mark a sand.

For in the knowing, I see and feel,

The shaping of dreams becoming real.

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