Planted in the Ether: Vision Coming Through Art Baby Blue


From the willed picture of God, I sit dreaming how far to be, 

Presently sitting in Italy, 

enjoying a smile where my thoughts breathing, literally.

Making my mark, while presenting thy art,

Believing in kind giving all heart. 

Picturing me inside my why, 

Growing good love throughout the sky.

Happy to be here mentally successfully inside,

This is where I flow water molding my way,

Reaching out into the ether stirring I say,

If my mind and spirit is planted up there,

where will my body appear.

From the willed picture in God, I am,  

Dreaming how far my spirit has come. 
Presently here in Italy’s grace,  

Enjoying a smile in good loves place.  

Breathing thoughts, creating art,  

Believing in kind, giving all heart.  

Picturing me inside my why,  

Spreading good love across the sky.  

Mentally thriving, successfully I am for word thinking,  

Creating comes water, crystallizing feeling.  

Reaching out into the ether, I say,  

Stirring the currents, molding my way.  

If my mind is planted, spirit up here,  

Where will my body appear, in there?  

In playing great, dominating thought, the truth thinking through,  

Loving, guiding faith. it’s Art Baby Blue.  

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