Visioning Seed


Life is all timing. 

To think is to prepare the seconds.

To order my thoughts, I shall plant a row of seeds. 

I visualize my right ideal team. 

I visualize investing sharing moments with my true family. 

I visualize worldly successful ventures. 

I visualize my building and structures.

I visualize the beautiful spirits protecting me. 

I visualize being Gods favorite son. 

I visualize knowing and asking the perfect questions. 

These are my idea seeds growing in my mind soil. 

Watering them I presently will into thee,

To picturing into see, abundantly Me. 

Life is all timing, the rhythms mine,

To think is to ready each second, each line.

I order my thoughts, a row I shall sow,

Seeding the future, a garden to grow.

I visualize the team, ideal and true,

Moments of sharing, my family’s view.

I see ventures thriving, worldly and grand,

Buildings and structures, my dreams in hand.

Beautiful spirits, their wings wide and near,

Protecting my path, encouraging courageous here.

God’s favorite son, I become His light,

Asking the questions that open the night.

These seeds are ideas, in mind's fertile ground,

Watered with faith, their roots deep, profound.

From thought to form, they grow into thee,

Picturing abundance, radiantly Me.

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