Eight Mile Ascension


This is my eight mile, 

For those in the know could appreciate this style. 

Yet this is for me, to be, 

To be ideally me, perfect this day, this moment, this second. 

Dominance feels feeling felt, releasing hundred butterflies into sky.

My arrows forth caressing the air, willing powering coming out, 

To the all ideally one. 

For this view, you picture, 

Who what do you see. 

From my penthouse cerebrum, 

In my twenty fifth building - celebrating, 

Looking out seeing my family and partners. 

Being proud, living happying health, 

Enjoying wealth, loving life,

 Thinking about, 

How to out do tickling God. 

My money stacks eight mile high,

A rhythm for the knowing, my artful smile.

Yet truly, it’s for me to be,

To be ideally me, this day, this second, this see

This moment I am free being me.

Dominance resonating, winds kissing my chest,

A release of butterflies, a thousand the best.

Arrows caress the air with a whispering shout,

Willing power surging, energies out.

For this view, this frame,

Who or what do you see in my name?

From the penthouse of my cerebrum,

My twenty-fifth tower—oh, the apex of freedom.

Celebrating victories, looking out to my partners,

Kin in triumph, where love begins.

Proud in health, happiness, and wealth so grand,

Living life fully, guided tickling God’s hand.

And in this moment, 

a thought sparks loves lights you,

Hear this, this my moments kiss —Art Baby Blue.

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