Sky, Sea, and the Spark Me


Strategically dominating the sky and sea is me. 

What a day to sing a long and come saying pretty please, 

For hearing me loving you in my way, 

I present to you my word in play.

For a specific amount of energetic pay. 

So for the first moment I do, 

Will force, forth from, inside you. 

This is, in action propelling wind,

 Being willing the tinder spark, 

Bringing fire firing sparking poof be light.

Strategically, I claim sky and sea,

The Earth and land bows to me.

What a day to sing along,

To craft the rhythm, to own the song.

Hear my love in words playing,

Energy exchanging in precisely array.

My first motion igniting two,

Drawing force from deep in you.

Attraction moment, action bends,

Wind propels, my spirit ascends.

Tinder kissing willing light,

Fire sparks—poof, its Me!

Pretty being loving thee. 


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